Clear + Brilliant

The “baby Fraxel”, giving you a smooth, even toned and youthful glowing skin.
Clear + Brilliant Skin

Clear + Brilliant Fractional Laser

Clear + Brilliant® will illuminate your natural beauty and refresh your radiance. Brought to you by the pioneers behind Fraxel®, Clear + Brilliant is the ideal introduction to a laser skin treatment.

It will take your skin care program to the next level by improving tone, texture and pore appearance. Not only does it improve unwanted signs of ageing, it also gives you the power to help prevent them. You’ll find it the perfect way to look great before your next special event and love that it is quick and easy.

How does Clear + Brilliant work?

Clear + Brilliant is a gentle laser that refreshes your skin from the inside out. The laser energy creates millions of microscopic treatment zones in your skin, replacing damaged skin with healthy, younger looking tissue.

What Can Clear + Brilliant Do for You?

If you’re battling the effects ageing can have on your skin or trying to address it before the battle even starts, Clear + Brilliant can help. With simple, gentle laser treatments, you can help prevent the visible signs of ageing and the overall dulling effects time and the environment can have on your skin.

One Clear + Brilliant session can leave your skin feeling smoother, younger and give you that “radiant glow” that comes from healthy, youthful skin. Routine treatments deliver lasting results that can keep you looking younger for years to come. Clear + Brilliant is simple yet effective. An easy treatment to add to your routine.

Indications that Clear + Brilliant may be right for you:

  • You already have or plan to begin a skin care regimen to help protect against the natural and environmental effects of aging
  • You like the way your skin looks today, and want to keep that fresh, youthful look for years to come
  • You have a regular, consistent approach to skincare and are looking to boost your results
  • You don’t have the time or desire for more invasive procedures like cosmetic surgery or aggressive resurfacing treatments

Clear + Brilliant Treatment Results

Though results may vary, patients frequently report “younger looking skin” and a “radiant glow” after treatment. Clinical studies highlights include:

  • Visibly illuminated skin tone
  • Renewed, ultra-soft and smoother texture
  • Naturally radiant and glowing skin
  • Improved tone, texture and radiance
  • Reduction in the appearance of pores
Clear + Brilliant Skin
Clear + Brilliant Treatment

Client Testimonial:

“Clear and brilliant is exactly that – the most wonderful way to take years off your face, in a simple and effective treatment. My results are phenomenal and have to be seen to be believed!!!

The results just kept on improving and my skin was firmer, with fewer wrinkles and had a youthful glow. This is my favourite treatment. Thank you Janine and your amazing team for always going the extra mile and keeping up to date with new trends to keep us looking and feeling our best!”
– Karen Ferreira