Permanent Makeup After Care

Proper care following your procedure is necessary to achieve best results.

The Permanent Makeup After-care Procedure For Seven Days Following Treatment:

  • Ice pack (ice in a plastic bag) can be applied, when necessary, to reduce swelling.
  • Some itching is normal. DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH treated area.
    Keep the area dry. Where possible, avoid contact with water. When washing face, wash around the area. A thin layer of Vaseline must be applied before showering.
  • Do not expose areas to dirty or unsanitary conditions. Wash hands before touching treated areas.
  • Do not expose areas to direct sun, tanning beds, steam rooms, saunas, MAKEUP, skin creams and ointments, other than what has been instructed for one week after the procedure.
  • No waxing, plucking or electrolysis over the area for one week after the procedure.
  • LIPLINER: NB: If a history of cold sores, use Zovirox or Activar one week prior to and one week after the procedure. Apply four times daily. Apply a thin layer of Vaseline throughout the day e.g. before eating, drinking, brushing teeth, showering, swimming. A clean lipliner pencil may be used to fill in the lip area.
  • EYELINER: Use an earbud to apply a thin layer of Vaseline 3 X per day, especially before showering. Goggles should be worn if swimming. Wearing glasses outdoors will protect eyes from dust etc. No eyelash tinting or mascara should be applied for one week after the procedure.
  • EYEBROWS: Apply Vaseline 3 x per day, especially before showering.
  • Use a good sunscreen daily, as sun exposure will fade your permanent cosmetics.
Permanent Lips